Yesterday (on my Facebook wall), I shared a post where I said concerning relationships, that Christians should proceed this way when they’re interested in someone and want to find out God’s will concerning them being with that person :

1-Pray 2-Get confirmation from God (could be that inner peace + other factors God gives you. Don’t rely on just one factor. Hopefully my book will talk more extensively about this) 3- Define purpose of relationship (this means you would have proposed/received a proposal and gotten a yes/said yes by then) 4- Start dating towards marriage.

A lot of people won’t like the sound of this because it sounds like rigid rules. The world likes to rather do the opposite. They do it in reverse. They propose to that person/accept a proposal without praying, start dating and then when they are very far into the relationship or about to get married, they now wanna find out what God has to say.

Well, in actual fact, they just want God to be on the side of whatever they already have going on and if He won’t, He should just shut up and give them His blessings anyway.

Sadly, majority of Christians today are doing the same thing: I do my own thing and then later when I remember there is a God somewhere whom I say I worship, I ask Him to bless what I have made/built without His input.

The danger in doing this is that not only do you expose yourself to heartbreak and emotional torture if you’re a christian who cares about being in God’s will, but you’re only going to create unnecessary problems for yourself.

What if after you’ve spent time bonding, and sometimes financially investing yourself, your time, your dreams and aspirations into that person, you now remember to go to God, and God says ” no, they are not the one for you. It won’t work ” ?

You see ? Unnecessary heartbreak, shattered plans and looming depression. It is now hard to part ways because you’re already so deep into them.

There are only two things you would do at this point.

Ignore God’s voice and go ahead with your wedding plans anyway and set yourself up for more disappointments and heartbreak in the future.

Or, listen to God and literally have to wrench yourself out of that relationship you built outside His will.

None of which is pleasant.

Which option seems safer to you ?

What’s it gonna be ?

Seemingly rigid rules to protect your heart or do your own thing and risk it all ?

Tell me what you think.

PS : I am so glad to have you here. Thank you so much for reading. PLEASE REMEMBER TO NOT KEEP THIS TO YOURSELF. WHY NOT SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE ?
